United Methodist Church
Great Day of Service
Isle of Hope UMC
Saturday, March 8, 2025
9:00 am -12:00 pm

The UMC Great Day of Service 2025 is an opportunity for all Coastal District United Methodist Churches to come together and be the hands and feet of Christ for people in our own communities as well as around the world. There are a variety of activities for all ages and skill sets. All people are invited to participate, so come join us and bring a friend! Please sign in in the main hallway for the various activities between 8:30- 9:00AM. The deadline for sign-ups is Monday, March 3 at noon.


Rise Against Hunger -We will pack 14,000 dehydrated meal packages for distribution to countries experiencing food crises around the world. Great activity for families with children, first grade and older. Volunteers must sign up via the following link: CLICK HERE


Sew hygiene kits for people living in poverty- Skilled sewers and beginners will make hygiene kits for people living in poverty. Once made, we will fill with travel size hygiene items. If you cannot attend, you can donate items needed- shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and combs. Place items in the designated bins at IOHUMC or your church. Age 8 years and older are welcome. SIGN UP HERE


Prepare casseroles for Family Promise and other ministries. Youth and adults. SIGN UP HERE


Write notes of encouragement for Kairos Prison Ministry and P.A.C.K. Savannah. A great activity for all ages. SIGN UP HERE


 Pack small backpacks for children in area shelters- with travel size hygiene items. We will provide the backpacks. You are welcome to bring books and small stuffed animals and toys, socks, etc to include in the backpacks. Donations of hygiene items for children are also welcome. SIGN UP HERE


Provide non-perishable food items for the Connexion Church Food Pantry- place non-perishable food items in the designated bins at IOHUMC or at your church. 


American Red Cross Blood Drive- NOTE- To be held on Wednesday, March 5 from 3:00-7:30PM. Please sign up by clicking on this link: CLICK HERE


Opportunity to serve offsite:

SonRise Servers- Volunteers go to the sidewalk in front of the Emmaus House- 18 Abercorn Street 31401 (not on the Abercorn side, but behind it on Reynolds Square) by 8:00 AM on 3/08/25. We will pack “to go” bags before serving breakfast to people living in poverty. All guests in line will get a bag usually with fruit, sandwich and assorted snacks to be enjoyed later in the day. Volunteers  are welcome to bring something to add to the to go bags or something hot to share with breakfast. Or, they may simply come to help serve.Usually finished by 9:15. SIGN UP HERE


Nursery: Nursery is provided from 9-noon at IOHUMC for ages infant to 4 years. Please contact Beth Parr by Monday, March 3, 2025 at bparr@iohumc.com to sign up for the nursery.